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Tip Calculator App

How much should I tip? provides a real-time average from consumers “voting while tipping” on everything from barbers to bartenders. This popular application shows which job types rely on a tip as part of their wage versus job types that traditionally receive a tip as an act of gratitude.


Video Interviews and Survey

How much should I tip at a restaurant?

How much should I tip at a restaurant?

How much should I tip at the carry out counter?

How much should I tip for delivery?

Blog Articles

How much should I tip a waitress at a restaurant?

How much should I tip a waitress at a restaurant? After enjoying a wonderful dinner with friends, I asked the table a simple question that surprisingly extended our evening’s conversation in to two (2) additional drinks. What percentage of a tip to you default to when dining at a restaurant? The answers were across the […]

How much should I tip a bartender?

How much should I tip a bartender? It is a tale as old as time. After a day of work, you belly up to the bar at the local public house and confess your stress over one too many pints. If only the bartenders charged the same rates as therapists. Wait, how much does a […]

How much should I tip at curbside pickup?

How much should I tip at curbside pickup? The social distancing initiative seen during the 2020 worldwide pandemic (COVID-19) forced the food and beverage industry to quickly adapt or risk closing. One of the innovations presented by restaurants was the solution of “curbside pickup”. This new toggle allowed consumers to order online and simply drive […]

Should you add to the tip of your elderly parents?

Should you add to the tip of your elderly parents? I am a middle-aged father of 3 children living in the manicured suburbs of a city. My parents are 75 years old and still live in the same rural midwestern town they were born in. They technically travelled 872 feet from the “hospital” they were […]

Should you tip more as a parent dining with children?

Should you tip more as a parent dining with children? As an average suburban dad of three (3) children under the age of eight, I feel like I am starting to figure out the world “parenting”. When the house is “quiet, too quiet,” I know my children are up to something that requires a surprise […]

What is the Average Tip?

Tips as the Employee Wage

  • How much should I tip a waiter?

    Waitress / Waiter


    Our surveys show the average tip for a waitress or waiter is 19.4% when dining at a restaurant.

    The minimum wage for a waitress or waiter is $2.13. At a 40 hour work week the employee would receive a pre-tax check for $85.20.

    The following states have retained the $2.13 hourly rate:
    Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming… (see more)

  • How much should I tip a bartender?



    When only ordered a drink (no food), here are our survey findings:

    Pint of Beer = $1 per beer

    Cocktail = $2 per drink

    The average tip for a bartender is 18% when dining at the bar in a restaurant.

    The minimum wage for a bartender is $2.13. At a 40 hour work week the employee would receive a pre-tax check for $85.20.

    The following states have retained the $2.13 hourly rate:
    Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming… (see more)

How much should I tip a waitress?

Why doesn’t the service industry receive a minimum wage?

Economic analyst and former tipped worker David Cooper explains how tipped workers get paid. The minimum wage for most tipped workers is only $2.13 an hour. That means the customer is on the hook for paying the bulk of these workers’ wages. So why hasn’t the minimum wage risen in over 20 years?

Average Tip Calculator